Greeting from Japan.
Thank you so much for many inquiries already for our annual event Skate Japan.
I am pleased to announce that the 31st Annual Skate Japan 2019 will be held at Saitama Ice Arena on Saturday, June 22 & Sunday, 23, 2019.
Attached, please find the competition announcement together, entry forms and travel information.
This year, we are forced to limit the entry up to 3 events/skater in which includes up to 2 solos; i.e. 2 solo + 1 group/couple event or 1 solo + 2 group/couple events, or 3 group events due to limited ice time. Your understanding and corporation is highly appreciated.
Please also note that the coaches/judges meeting is tentatively scheduled in the afternoon of June 21. Please make your travel arrangement with some flexibility because your competition events can be scheduled on both days. No personal request for the date of event is accepted this time because it will affect other skaters and entire event schedule.
As many of you have already been here, Saitama Ice Arena is located in just north of Tokyo. Less than one hour rapid train ride from central Tokyo like Shinjuku. So, you can enjoy other activities before and after the competition. We do not have any official hotel, but list of neat-by hotels are included in the attached travel information for your reference.
If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. Look forward to having you all in the Skate Japan 2019.
Best regards,
Emiko Iida,
Competition Director
Skate Japan 2019
Please download the following documents for your information.
Individual Entry Form
Team Entry Form
Travel Information
Registration for Entry
1. Please make sure all the participants have valid ISIAsia membership during Competition and registered relevant test level to ISIAsia Office before competition start. (If you have any questions, please feel free to contact ISIAsia Office)
2. Complete the entry form with ISIAsia valid coach to sign for confirmation of event level.
3. Send the entry forms and transfer entry payment to Host Rink. Please be reminded that you have to send a copy of all the entry forms to ISIAsia Office for record.
4. If there is any updates or changes, please contact ISIAsia Office AND the Competition Director
- ISIAsia Office
Ms. Vanessa Cheung at - Competition Director & Host Rink
Ms. Emiko Iida at