Dear Rink Manager and Coaches,
The 2019 ISI Skate Hong Kong Organizing Committee is proud to announce the 2019 ISI SKATE HONG KONG, which will be held from 9 – 10 and 16 – 17 November in Festival Walk Glacier and Cityplaza Ice Palace.
2019年ISI香港滑冰賽將於本年的11月9 – 10日和16 – 17日假 又一城歡天雪地溜冰場 與 太古城中心冰上皇宮 舉行。
The ISI Skate Hong Kong competition is the biggest and most popular ISI skating competition in Asia. In the past 17 years, thousands of skaters have been participating in this event and has obtained remarkable achievements. In celebrating our 18th anniversary, we cordially invite you and your team to join us and to participate in this biggest skating event in Asia.
Should you have any question for the competition, please free to contact me.
Best regards,
Paul Wong / Jay Ng
Competition Director
2019 ISI Skate Hong Kong
1. 確保參賽學員於比賽期間持有有效ISIAsia會籍和比賽前完成注冊項目相關等級(如有疑問請電郵至ISIAsia辦事處查詢)。
2. 填好報名表格並由教練簽署確認項目等級正確。
3. 把報名表格及報名費用遞交至主辦冰場, 請注意報名表格仍然須要電郵至ISIAsia辦事處作紀錄。
4. 如有項目或其他修改, 請聯絡ISIAsia辦事處 及 賽事總監。
- ISIAsia Office
Vanessa Cheung小姐 - 賽事總監
黃大偉先生 / 吳彥君小姐 - 主辦冰場
Mr. Sam Leung at